Empty Class Time Survey Analysis

 Empty Class Time Survey Analysis

My research topic: Empty Class Time
Target: Kwansei University students
Number of respondents: 3

Students answered 8 questions about empty class time.

Graph#1 shows that student's answers about whether they have empty class time in their timetable. As a result, everyone who answered the question answered that they had an empty class time.


Graph#2 shows that how many times a week students have empty class time. Two students have empty class time twice a week, and one has three times. Therefore, many students will find that they have two or three empty class times per week. 


Graph#3 shows that the best empty class time for students. The results showed that the majority of cases occurred during the morning hours. Therefore, it was found that students preferred empty class time in the morning to the afternoon. 


Graph#4 shows how students spend their empty class time. The most common answer was to do homework. Others were spending their empty class time talking with friends or sleeping. However no one left the university to engage in activities during their empty class time.  


Graph#5 shows where students are spend during their empty class time. There are people who spend their morning in various places, but at lunchtime and in the afternoon, many people spend their empty class time in the lunchroom or outside. From this, students can see that there are certain  places where people gather in the afternoon.


Graph#6 shows the answers to questions about whether Kwansei University is a comfortable place to spend empty class time. All respondents answered So-so. Therefore, it was known there are good things, but there are also bad things in university.


List#7 shows reasons why Kwansei University was considered comfortable or uncomfortable. It shows that while there are good things about Kwansei University, there are also areas that need improvement for students.

List#8 shows what Kwansei University needs to improve. If Kwansei University improve these things, students will be able to have a more comfortable campus life.


This survey has many surprising results. In addition, this survey will help improve campus life at Kwansei University. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was surprised to find that satisfaction with the empty class time was the same as me!
    I wish it were more comfortable...^ ^

  3. Thank you for sharing interesting survey!!

  4. Thank you for sharing your survey! It was interesting for me to know about empty class.
    I also agree that university should improve comfortable places for students...

  5. I was sursrised to all students think empty class in university is so-so. I don't like empty class.^^

  6. Thank you for shareing the interesting survey! Your info is very useful because I sometime want to know what to do in empty class.

  7. Your survey is very interesting!!! i ususally sleep when empty classes.


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