
Showing posts from June, 2024

Empty Class Time Survey Analysis

 Empty Class Time Survey Analysis My research topic : Empty Class Time Target : Kwansei University students Number of respondents : 3 <Summary> Students answered 8 questions about empty class time. <Results> Graph#1 shows that student's answers about whether they have empty class time in their timetable. As a result, everyone who answered the question answered that they had an empty class time. #1 Graph#2 shows that how many times a week students have empty class time. Two students have empty class time twice a week, and one has three times. Therefore, many students will find that they have two or three empty class times per week.  #2 Graph#3 shows that the best empty class time for students. The results showed that the majority of cases occurred during the morning hours. Therefore, it was found that students preferred empty class time in the morning to the afternoon.  #3  Graph#4 shows how students spend their empty class time. The most common answer was...